Vicky Pannell

Vicky Pannell

available for new clients

Milton Keynes

Available for

In person or online supervision

Individual supervision

  • English
  • British Sign Language
Available on
  • weekdays
  • evenings
  • weekends

About me

I am a BSL Interpreter bases in Milton Keynes, living with my husband, two young children, two dogs and a cat. Supervision has provided me with a quiet space away from the chaos of home where I can reflect on my work, and devote time to myself becoming a more reflective and well-rounded practitioner. I am incredibly lucky to be able to offer this space to my supervisees too – and can offer sessions face to face locally as well as nationally via Zoom.

I am incredibly passionate about my career as a BSL Interpreter and the vital role that supervision plays in developing my own practice. I qualified as a BSL Interpreter in 2010, and have worked in a number of different domains as a freelance interpreter. I currently specialise in theatre and performance interpreting, as well as community interpreting, Video Relay interpreting and Access to Work clients.

Having undertaken individual and group supervision throughout my career, I recognise the positive impact it has had on my work, and on my own mental health and wellbeing. Supervision is a safe space where you can reflect on your practice, explore ethical dilemmas, and examine issues such as Vicarious Trauma. Working as an freelance interpreter can often mean you are working alone, with few opportunities to debrief with colleagues in a meaningful way. Supervision can provide the space for you to do this, to provide that support and to discuss the daily demands that are placed on you and how you manage these.

Supervision is also a space for you to recognise your achievements – to celebrate the things that you have done well – not just to focus on those perceived mistakes – which as human beings we are often more inclined to do. Let us celebrate your successes together, as well as exploring those growing edges in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

About my profession

  • Diploma in Supervision for Sign Language Interpreters and Allied Professionals (360 Supervision)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in BSL/English Interpreting
  • CAVA Level 3 assessor qualification
Professional body membership
  • NRCPD - Registered Sign Language Interpreter
  • ASLI - Full member
  • VLP - Full member

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